Thurmond Health only accepts and bills to Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and Medicare Supplemental Plans at this time. Your acknowledgement is required in order to request an appointment. 

Medicare Patients: Please note that we will provide you with an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) form, which lists Medicare’s non-covered services. You will be responsible for the payment of such services as they will not be billed to Medicare. 

Please call (603.338.0231) or email ( for more information

For those patients who do not qualify or do not carry a Medicare plan, we accept personal checks, cash, and all major credit cards. You should select “Self-Pay” when booking your appointment. Some insurance plans will reimburse for out-of-pocket payments.
Please check with your plan and we can provide you with an itemized

Please call (603.338.0231) or email
( for our fee schedule.

By clicking below, you are acknowledging your responsibility to provide payment at the time of service.

We thank you for the opportunity to care for you!